Why You Should Care About the Obesity Epidemic – Even if You’re Not Obese

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last 20 years or so, you know that the United States is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. If you HAVE been living under a rock, as you venture out into your new world, you may have noticed that we’re a little bigger than we used to be. Also, why were you living under a rock? Remember to wear sunscreen – you are super pale.

Now that we’re all on the same page. . .

You may be thinking to yourself, “I’m not obese. I’m not even overweight. Why should I care about someone else’s health?” Some people also have the attitude that obese/overweight people got themselves into that mess, so it should be up to them to get out of it, just stop eating, get up off the couch, etc. I’m here to give you some reasons why EVERYONE should care about obesity.

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Top 5 Reasons to Vote

If you have just woken up from a coma, you may not realize that today is Election Day, and (hopefully) tonight we will know who our next President of the United States will be. I hereby introduce to you the top 5 reasons why you, possible American citizen, should go vote today.

Who voted? YOU voted.

1. You get a sweet sticker. Also, if you take a picture of said sticker and social media it, we can help break all the social media today. Break all the things!!!

2. Like to complain about politics or political figures? If you don’t vote, it would be like watching an overflowing bathtub and complaining that SOMEONE should be doing something to fix it. Go vote: then you can complain. Because America.

3. If astronauts currently living on the International Space Station can vote, you can stand in line for an hour and do the same.

From the New York Times – Voters in Staten Island

4. If people living in New York and New Jersey, with no power, heat, or running water, can go vote, I mean seriously you can stand in line and vote.

5. I’ve heard every complaint about voting: It’s inconvenient, my vote doesn’t count for anything, etc. We live in a democracy. Democracies work by citizens voting for their elected officials. Participate in our democracy and go vote. It’s how America works!